Weekly Horoscope for Virgo


Song of the Week

Hey Poppa don't take no mess...
Poppa don't take no mess...
Poppa is the man who can understand
How a man has to do whatever he can

Poppa don't- Poppa don't- Poppa don't
Poppa don't take no mess...... No
He don't take no mess

Now Poppa might grin
Drank a little taste of gin
Bet his last ten on a little game of skin
Hit me!

Wahoo Poppa don't take no mess...
Poppa don't take no mess...
Poppa don't- Poppa don't- Poppa don't
Poppa don't- Poppa don't
Poppa don't take no mess...

Poppa digs the chicks
If she look real slick hoo!
Poppa rap is very quick
Definitely it ain't no trick... Oh yeah!

Wait! wait a minute... Look-a-here! Poppa!
Don't take- Poppa likes
'Cause when Poppa gets uptight
He knows he's right
Huh! you got yourself a fight... Hit me!

Poppa don't take no mess...
Poppa don't take nooo mess!

Poppa is the man who'll take a stand
Poppa don't take no mess...
Poppa don't- Poppa don't Poppa don't

Look! Dig this!
Poppa didn't cuss...
He didn't raise a whole lotta fuss
But when we did wrong
Poppa beat the hell out of us uh!

A don't Poppa- don't Poppa- don't Poppa
Don't Poppa- don't Poppa- don't Poppa

Poppa don't take no mess...
Poppa don't take nooo mess!

I saw Poppa cry
When he thought that I would die
Look-a-here... I saw Poppa cry
When he thought that I would die
He says something was in his eye
I knew it was a lie

Mama said "Poppa's smart"
Poppa got a whole lot-ta heart
And Poppa would do his part
When the game get hard

((( James Brown - Poppa don't take no mess... )))

Horoscope Cast for Monday, September 16th, 2024

by daniel "whelland" dowd

Weekly Horoscope for Virgo Summary

This week I Start my Life Anew..!!

The problem many have with real and true astrology is that they expect specific actions to occur in the way THEY envision or are told... Instead of remebering the reason the signs are patterned as they are... Just as with people, the planets do not automatically do what they're supposed to do... And that is clear evident in real life... hehe...

I keep hearing what a crazy time this is... Not only here in America, but all over the world... But then again if you look back in history you'll see this kind of confusion, panic and/or over-reactions always happen at the turns of the ages... The simple truth in the room is that there are two very different sides... One side (that has been in control for thousands of years) is trying to remain in power/control but they know their time has come and gone... The other side is trying to lift us up to a higher Spiritual level... To where we realize all of us are just 'cells' in the total global 'human race'... But not in the cheesy 'new-age' kind of way. I know most will mis-interpret that... But that's how it goes sometimes.

The wild part about this chart is that people are awakening to the Great Awakening... When the truth that has been held back for so long is beginning to be revealed... All the major outer planets on one side of the chart are there to bring into the light all that has been hidden or held back... You guys know the drill, I've been writing about this for almost 30 years fercrissakes... So this week's chart energy is there to really drive home the need to be more aware of not only what is goin' on... But more importantly why... It's not my job to lay that out for you guys as I just write what the current charts are sayin'.

Just watch how you'll begin to discover talents and abilities others have that you were never aware of... Skills... knowledge... whatever... (maybe some may realize that I make the best Jambalaya in the world)... hehe... Or perhaps it's best to say that many will re-discover the real unconditional love that we all have within us.

That's it for now...
Thanks for stoppin' by..!!
I'll talk to you guys later...

Keep the Faith...
Better Days and Higher Love are comin' soon...

daniel "whelland" dowd

The Weekly Horoscope for Virgo

The Weekly Horoscope for Virgo has the kind of vibe where before you 'call shit'... Make sure you check your own underwear first... hehe... The biggest thing with a chart like this is that others will begin to hold you accountable for your actions... That can be great or that can be rough... All depends upon the quality and quantity of what you do... That may sound dull, but with a chart like this it will definitely have a powerful impact on your future... Great charts like this are always focused on responsibilities and your true priorities!!

Last Week's Horoscope       Next Week's Horoscope

Aries  Taurus  Gemini  Cancer  Leo  Virgo 

Libra  Scorpio  Sagittarius  Capricorn  Aquarius  Pisces 

weekly horoscopes:

  ( Red = Cardinal ) ( Green = Fixed ) ( Blue = Mutable )
  Aries  Taurus  Gemini  Cancer  Leo  Virgo 

Libra  Scorpio  Sagittarius  Capricorn  Aquarius  Pisces 

Today's Astrology Quote of the Day:
All anyone can see in a birthchart are tendencies that will become facts if he does not do something to alter them...
~ Isabel Hickey

Daily Tao

A strong military, a tool of misfortune
All things detest it
Therefore, those who possess the Tao avoid it
Honorable gentlemen, while at home, value the left
When deploying the military, value the right

The military is a tool of misfortune
Not the tool of honorable gentlemen
When using it out of necessity
Calm detachment should be above all
Victorious but without glory
Those who glorify
Are delighting in the killing
Those who delight in killing
Cannot achieve their ambitions upon the world

Auspicious events favor the left
Inauspicious events favor the right
The lieutenant general is positioned to the left
The major general is positioned to the right
We say that they are treated as if in a funeral
Those who have been killed
Should be mourned with sadness
Victory in war should be treated as a funeral

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Once upon a time I had a real job working for the first Internet Company in Buffalo, New York... All the guys in the office would ask "Hey Daniel, What's in my Stars?... I'd repeat the same thing over and over again every day... So I made a web-page and called it "Hey Baby, What's your sign?"...

It became very popular... So I bought the WeeklyHoroscope.com name in 1997 and have been writing ever since for both the internet and the newspapers... But eventially I stopped writing for the newspapers because they limited me to only so many characters/spaces and I tend to ramble from time to time... hehe...

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