Daily Horoscope for Cancer ♋

(June 21 - July 22)
Horoscope Cast for: Saturday, October 30th, 2021

by Ajanel

Today's Horoscope Summary...

Happy Halloween!!

Weekend Horoscopes...

This is one of my very favorite holidays! I just love all the costumes and laughter along with the simple parties to make sure there is time for trick or treating! And there is also the dark Scorpio season that goes with the thinning of the veil, allowing us to have dreams and visions of loved ones on the other side. It is a good time to look into all things mystical! Astrology, tarot, numerology, and the rest. When the reality of the third dimensional world is so confusing, why not look beyond it for answers?

Along that line, this weekend we have Mercury square Pluto. Remember, squares are like a poke in the side. Mercury and Pluto at odds are having a conversation that goes something like this… Mercury-- Go ahead and say it! Tell the truth and get it over with! If you will not, then I will!

Pluto—Are you daring me? You want the truth? Do you think the world can handle the truth? The whole truth? All at once? You want me to expose the whole thing all at once? Everything? You know if I do, all the structures of their civilizations will be destroyed. Mercury-- You have been doing it for the last 13 years! I will help you finish the job once and for all. Let’s just get it done!

Pluto—I have three years left and I refuse to be rushed. I will make sure all the lies are exposed and all the truths revealed before then. I also will make sure that there is enough left of what is good to build something even better. In my own good time. If you want to poke someone, poke the people to search for and reveal what they have hidden from themselves. To search their own hearts and to look deeply into what they are being told. When they find truths, they should reveal them!

Read your own horoscope to see what area of life you should be searching for what you have been hiding from yourself and others!

Questions or comments ajanel@ajanel.net

The Daily Horoscope for Cancer...

Mercury in your house of home and family is poking Pluto in your house of relationships. Is someone in your house sick and you need to spend more time at home taking care of them, risking a business or perhaps personal relationship? Or maybe you need to stay home and take care of yourself. You really need to discuss this with someone who can help. Do not keep it to yourself.

...Show some Love...

Yesterday's Horoscope       Tomorrow's Horoscope

Weekly Horoscope for Cancer

Daily Horoscopes:
aries | taurus | gemini | cancer | leo | virgo
libra | scorpio | sagittarius | capricorn | aquarius | pisces
Weekly Horoscopes:
aries | taurus | gemini | cancer | leo | virgo
libra | scorpio | sagittarius | capricorn | aquarius | pisces

Your Daily Tao

True words are not beautiful
Beautiful words are not true
Those who are good do not debate
Those who debate are not good
Those who know are not broad of knowledge
Those who are broad of knowledge do not know

Sages do not accumulate
The more they assist others, the more they possess
The more they give to others, the more they gain

The Tao of heaven
Benefits and does not harm
The Tao of sages
Assists and does not contend